2. Use discount coupons
3. Buy 3-5 suits every five years
4. Use ATM once a week and reduce the
Withdrawl amount everytime.
5. Millionaires pay the lowest i/c tips
6. Houses having entertaining rooms
To destress and offlimits to others
7. Pay all taxes and self manage.
8. Dont waste anything
9. Help my contributors in kind or cash
10. Help the genuine needy
11. Children should part finance their
12. Ask donation seekers to tell how
Much money they raise.
13. Look around for investment ideas
In everyday life
14. Grab opportunity in stock market
15. Cant win by gifting
16. Rich people use initials in names
17. Hold on to relationships
18. You have money makes you smart
19. If you want success you have to
Accept risks.
20. If you willing to go up the chain
For a complaint you are going to get
Your product rectified without
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