Event at which a gift from France to the US was conceived: Dinner Party
Date: 1865
Location: Glatigny, France (near Versailles)
Host: Edouard-Rene Lefebvre de Laboulaye (1811-83)
Honored Guest: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
(As accounted by Bartholdi in 1885 - ref: Trachtenberg)
Date Construction of the Statue began in France: 1875
Title of Statue: "Liberty Enlightening the World"
Sculptor: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
Bartholdi's Military Rank: Quartermaster to a force of five thousand soldiers
Bartholdi's Commander at Autun during Franco-Prussian War in 1870:
Giuseppe Garibaldi (FS1986)
Structural Engineer: Gustave Eiffel
Method of Fabrication: Repousse Process
Statue completed in Paris: June 1884
Statue presented to America by the people of France: July 4, 1884
Statue dismantled and shipped to US: Early 1885
1885 Transport Ship: French frigate "Isere"
Number of individual pieces shipped to US: 350
Number of crates required: 214
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