Monday, November 30, 2009

Heaven- How many people believe in it

Malaysia-----98 %
Phillipines----97 %
USA----------91 %
India----------86 %
Italy----------83 %
Singapore-----82 %
Brazil---------81 %
Canada-------78 %
Russia -------76 %
Australia-----75 %
UK-----------64 %
Spain---------63 %
Germany-----58 %
China---------57 %
Netherland---54 %
France--------50 %

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cholesterol Levels & Numbers to watch

Total Cholesterol----- Under 200 mg/dl
LDL------------------Under 100 mg/dl
HDL------------------Above 50 mg/dl-women
Above 40 mg/dl- men
Triglycerides----------Under 150 mg/dl
Fasting Blood sugar--- Under 100 mg/dl
Blood Pressure-------- Not Higher than 120/80 mmHg
BMI------------------ Not Higher than 25
Waist Circumfrence-- 35 inches or less---women
40 inches or less--- men


Avg % increase in e-commerce sales for US retailers in 1st Qtr of 2009----11
% increase in e-commerce sales in France in 1st Qtr of 09------26
Avg % savings for European consumers if they buy electronic retal goods online------17

Friday, November 27, 2009

Business Stats

% of nations that performed business regulations-----71
Nation in which it is easiest to do business-----Singapore.
% of reforms that occured in developing economies----66

Iran's mixed feelings

% of Iranians who think Obama was telling truth when he ------------25
said he respects Islam.
% of Iranians who trust Obama to do the right thing in world affairs---16
% of Iranians who favour diplomatic relations with the United States--60

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Death by Drones in Pakistan

No. of Drone strikes since 2006------082
No. of Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other---020
militant leaders who have been
killed in the attacks.
Percentage of attack casualties who---031
were Pakistani civilians.
Percentage of attack casualties who ---068
were Al-Qaeda, Taliban or other
jihadist militants.

Traffic signals in New Delhi, India

Total no. of traffic signals---------------725
No. of Blinkers-------------------------424
Signals to be fitted with Intelligent traffic System----220
No. of signals not working daily---------090
Signals not working after heavy rain----130

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Road Mishaps in India

Amount lost due to road accidents every year--- Rs 70,000 crore.
Number of persons killed every day------------- 0315
Number of persons seriously injured every day--5000
Number of road deaths in 2008-----------------1.14 Lakh.
( All data for India )

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Expenditure on fighter pilots in India

The expenditure on training of one fighter pilot by govt of India= Rs 11,50,00,000
13-14 years to recover the cost

International Students in US colleges and universities

In 2008-09----
Total-----------671,616 No.
From India----100,260 No.----Ist
From China----098,235 No----2 nd
From Korea----075,000 No----3 rd
In 2007-08---
From India--------094,563 No.
From China-------081,927 No.
From Korea-------069000 No
Top spot retained for the eighth consecutive year by India.
Indian students contributed $ 3 bn to US economy this year.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pollution in Delhi, India

Number of vehicles in Delhi
year 2000-------35 lakh
year 2008-------55 lakh
year 2009-------59 lakh
( Jan-Oct)
SO2 levels
2000---18, 2008---05, 2009---05------Standard-----060
NO2 levels
2000---36, 2008---50, 2009---51-------Standard-----060
SPM levels
2000---405, 2008---422, 2009---490------Standard---140
RSPM levels
2000--159, 2008---202, 2009---234-------Standard----060
CO levels
2000--4686, 2008---2249, 2009---2183-----Standard----2000

Monday, November 9, 2009

Amitabh Bachchan-The Living Legend- A Globe Trotter

7 Nov 2009------------Mumbai.
8 -11 Nov--------------London.
12-17 Nov-------------Mumbai.
18-19 Nov----------------Chennai

20-30 Nov------------------Mumbai
1-4 Dec-------------------Mumbai
5 Dec---------------------Chennai
6 -7 Dec---------------------Mumbai
8-10 Dec------------------------Dubai

11-21 Dec-----------------------Mumbai
22-23 Dec-----------------------Dubai
23-30 Dec-----------------------Mumbai
30-31 Dec----------------------Dubai
1-2 Jan 2010-------------------Dubai
3-5 jan-------------------------Mumbai
6 Jan--------------------------Ahmedabad
7-15 Jan--------------------------Mumbai
16-17 Jan--------------------------Kolkata
18 Jan-----------------------------Mumbai
19 Jan----------------------------New Delhi
20-22 Jan----------------------------Mumbai
23 Jan-----------------------------Bengaluru
24-26 Jan-------------------------Mumbai
27-28 Jan-------------------------Delhi
29-31 Jan-------------------------Mumbai
1-5 Feb--------------------------Mumbai
6 Feb----------------------------Chennai
7 Feb----------------------------Kerala
8-14 Feb------------------------Mumbai
15 Feb--------------------------New Delhi
16-18 Feb----------------------Mumbai
19 Feb--------------------------New Delhi
20 Feb--------------------------Mumbai
21-23 Feb----------------------London
24 Feb--------------------------New Delhi
25-28 Feb----------------------Mumbai
1-4 Mar------------------------Mumbai
5 -10 Mar----------------------London
11-15 Mar----------------------Oman
16-20 Mar---------------------Mumbai
21 Mar-------------------------Orrisa
22 Mar-------------------------Hong Kong
23-24 Mar--------------------Mumbai
25-26 Mar--------------------New Delhi
27 Mar-----------------------Mumbai
28 Mar----------------------Pune
29-31 Mar-------------------Mumbai
1-2 Apr----------------------Mumbai
3-5 Apr----------------------Goa
6-11 Apr----------------------Mumbai
12 Apr------------------------Goa
13-16 Apr--------------------Mumbai
17-18 Apr------------------------Malaysia
19 Apr-------------------------Mumbai
20 Apr-------------------------Sri Lanka
21-30 Apr----------------------Mumbai
1-23 May-----------------------Mumbai
24 May ------------------------Pune
25-27 May ---------------------Mumbai
29-31 May----------------------Gujarat
1-4  June------------------------Gujarat
5-8 June------------------------Mumbai
9-10 June-----------------------London
11-13 June----------------------Paris

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Global Pollution-India's contribution

Indian metros generate 20,275 tonnes of waste everyday.
% of sewege that goes untreated into the rivers everyday---60 %.
Traffic jams waste 30 lakh litres of fuel worth Rs 11.5 crores everyday.
Mumbai , India has 101066 people packed in 1 sq Km in some areas.
Every minute 30 people from rural India enter urban India.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Caesarean births in Mumbai, India

% of Births through Caesarean operation------------25 %.
Birth in civic/govt hospitals-------------------------43.3 %
Birth in Private hospitals----------------------------56.0 %
Caesarean births in Urban Areas--------------------50 %
Caesarean births in Urban Areas in pvt hospitals----80 %
Upper class families doing c-births------------------50 %
Rest of people--------------------------------------20 %

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Govt holding of gold by world countries

1. United states---8133 MT
2.Germany-------3408 MT
3.Italy------------2451 MT
4. France---------2445 MT
5.China-----------1054 MT
6. Switzerland----1040 MT
7. Japan----------0765 MT
8. Netherland----0612 MT
9. Russia---------0568 MT
10. India---------0557 MT
India recently bought 200 MT of gold from IMF